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Friday, August 07, 2009

PleiKu Hotel

I stayed at this hotel for a couple of days and had a very hard time getting out of PleiKu by plane. Was sweating out having to go back by bus but as it turned out the guy at the desk here "had a friend who worked at the airport"

who could get me on a plane back to HCMC, and for no extra charge. When I showed up at the airport, incidentally it's the same airport I flew out of back in 1972, they only accept cash. So back into town I go by taxi to the bank and get some cash, then hurry back to the airport only to find the flight delayed for and hour. So goes travel in VietNam.


Unknown said...

Good thing you can fly out, I scared for life when it comes to Vietnamese buses lol!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the bus ride up from Nha Trang last February, but it took us three tries to find a hotel that would take me (apparently, hotels have to have special licenses to take westerners). It was the second least friendly place I have visited in Vietnam. (Son Tay raid site was the least friendliest). Strangely, the personnel of the provincial museum were quite friendly, and Pleiku has the most unusual Chinese tea house I have ever seen. It was really strange to find it there. I suspect tourists are few and far between in Pleiku. It took me three tries to find where my compound was in 1968, and where all the Yard villages were is now covered by city. Most of the Pleiku I knew is now covered by a large, vacant park. As for the best place to drink a beer, I found a very nice tennis club in a faux colonial neighborhood. The ARVN cemetery is off limits, as the ground is still controlled by the military, but local officials were kind enough to inform me that the remains I was looking for had been relocated to Hue by Major Thuan's family, who are cousins to the former emperor.